Desert Sands's Visual & Performing Arts

Visual & Performing Arts

Prop 28 Arts and Music in Schools

Arts and Music in Schools is an allocation of one percent of the kindergarten through grade twelve (K–12) portion of the State of California Proposition 98 funding guarantee provided to school districts in the prior fiscal year, excluding funding appropriated for the AMS education program. 

The AMS Annual Report, required by the California Department of Education (CDE) serves as a crucial document that highlights the impact, achievements, and challenges faced in our district's arts and music programs over the past academic year. This report not only provides a comprehensive overview but also underscores the importance of these programs in nurturing well-rounded students.

The primary purpose is to inform educational community partners about the status and progress of arts and music education within our district. It serves as a tool for transparency, accountability, and reflection, demonstrating our commitment to providing a holistic education that includes creative and expressive disciplines.

Review the Annual Report

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