Desert Sands's Humans of LQHS

Humans of LQHS

Humans of LQHS
Posted on 04/27/2022
Humans of LQHS

Stories and portraits, plastered on vinyl banners, tell stories of aspirations and anxieties, independence, successes, and heartaches, and line the fences and gates of local parks in La Quinta, as well as at La Quinta High School.

Humans of LQHS aims to cultivate empathy and an understanding of the Blackhawk community.

Through the end of the school year, nearly 50 of the vinyl banners will be located in several different parks across the city. The exhibitions display work of the 2020-2021 Hawkview student-journalists.

On Saturday, April 30 from 9 a.m. to noon, this year's journalism staff will be hosting a booth at the City of La Quinta's 40th birthday celebration and city picnic — where new Humans of LQHS stories will be shared in the form of postcards to continue informing the local community about the stories that make up La Quinta High School. The postcards will also offer an opportunity for readers to interact with the stories.

The public exhibition was funded by @desertsandsusd’s Goldfish Bowl with support from the @cityoflaquinta. The vinyl banners are currently on display at La Quinta High School, La Quinta Park, Adams Park, Pioneer Park, Fritz Burns Park, and Seasons Park. Additional banners will be displayed later this week at La Quinta Park and the high school.

If you spot a banner in the wild, don’t hesitate to let us know what you think. If you’re on social media, take a photo and tag us at @hawkviewlq or #humansoflqhs on Instagram!



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