Desert Sands's PDCMS with Future Problem Solving

PDCMS with Future Problem Solving

PDCMS with Future Problem Solving
Posted on 04/08/2024
Zosia Sanchez and Olivia Di Bella with their medals

Future Problem Solving State Bowl promotes the program Future Problem Solving that teaches kids, “how to think, not what to think.” At the end of spring break Palm Desert Middle school students Zosia Sanchez and Olivia Di Bella were presented with medals for their participation in MAGIC (Multi-Area Global Issues Competition). The students were teamed up with other students from across California with the goal of completing the competition booklet that focused on autonomous vehicles. The students had to create and perform a skit on their action plan. The students had an educational, fun-filled weekend meeting new friends and participating in this program. 

Congratulations students on the award! 
Thank you Leanne Di Bella for the story submission!


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